Friday, October 16, 2009


Yesterday I joined the library. What a novel idea (pardon the pun). It seems that I have yet a lot to learn in this world. I mean, here I am, wanting to write, trying to think of ways to develop the skill, wondering if I’ll ever get there, and all the meanwhile the city is spread with libraries. Free to the public. No massive creative writing course fee or nothing. Free literature available to the public. A magnitude of wisdom all captured in a few rows of books. Incredible.

So I joined. Actually, I use to go to the library very often when I lived in the UK, but somehow didn’t get back into it when I returned six years ago. Until yesterday. Isn’t it wonderful? I’m so happy. Totally excited. Got my first three books to read and can’t wait. 

You know, it’s funny, libraries have a very distinctive smell, don’t you think? I’m not sure what it is exactly, but it’s quite unique. Like how the wet-dog smell is so unique. But not quite the same. You can almost smell the pages and the ink when you walk through the door. Like smelling wisdom. Totally cool! 

Ok, that’s it. That’s all I wanted to say. Joined the library. Whoohoo. 

(Yes, I am a nerd. It’s cool.)


allie. said...

First time visitor - Hi!

You're right
Free writing tips,free education, free entertainment, free place to chill and enjoy.
Who says you get nothing for nothing these days!

The smell - yup, I think anyone who loves books would recognise it blindfold.
Good luck with your writing hopes

Lisi said...

Hi Allie, welcome to my blog! You're my second stranger - so exciting!

Thanks for reading.