Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I surprise myself by the happiness I feel every time I use a good product.  Some products are just fantastic.  They really work and they make life a joy.  It changes my personality.  Yes, I am one of those people.  You know, those people who should buy stuff.  Quality stuff.  I think that is the key – it has to be quality.  It really needs to add value to life, know what I mean?

Last night I used my flatmate’s food blender, the handheld kind, to liquefy my seriously awesome potato & leek soup.  I don’t even know if I like soup to be that smooth, but I was profoundly pleased with how well that thing worked.  (Previously I used a masher.)  No jokes, the whole big pot of soup was smooth in 20 seconds flat.  And it’s so easy to clean!  Yes, I realise this sounds like an ad.  But it’s 20 hours later and I’m still impressed, my life feels more meaningful, there’s a new level of excellence. 

Another product that changed my personality is the Victorinox knife set that I was blessed with for my birthday and call lifegift.  If I have anything to do with it, I hope to have a killer knife set by age 40.  That sentence can read in many different ways – to clarify, I don’t want to hurt anyone, I just want to enjoy slicing, chopping and dicing to a greater level. 

I have to say that iPhone was probably the best extension of my personal self and its abilities this year, or any year.  There’s a lot I can say here but seriously, that thing makes me happy.  I’m one of the people who really, really enjoy the features and endless possibilities that it offers.  I’m not even kidding, that phone is like a creature of its own.  With its own dreams and ideals.  It’s own set of morals.  I should probably get it saved. 

On the other hand, instead of thinking that I should get iPhone saved so that it can go to heaven with me, I’m thinking the Lord is laughing because I have no idea what sort of personal assistant technology there is in heaven.  But I’m grateful still for the dim, groaning, earthly, mortal, finite features of Siri and his apps.  (Yes, Siri is a British man on my phone.  Initially I put him as my Siri voice, but it felt wrong to give orders to a man like that, so I changed it to the American lady, but she couldn’t understand a word I was saying, so I then changed it to the Australian woman, but, contrary to what everyone in the UK believes, the South African and Ausie accents are MILES apart, not only in geography, but also in dialect, so I ended up changing it back to the British guy.  Now, when people ask, I just say, “he’s the only one that understands me”, but this, I fear, is also misleading.)   

My ugg boots has made me hate winter a little bit less.  I know I shouldn’t hate, but I am a creature of the light and my person desires warmth, brightness and ultraviolet radiation.  Nearly slept with my uggies that first night.  So good.  Winter is a better place.

Another thing that will make winter less compulsory, I was walking the other day, and I recognised a strong desire to put my hands in the pockets of a jacket that I don’t yet have.  It was a sacrifice, just letting my arms swing obligingly next to my body in the regular walking fashion, exposing my hands to the bite of the Cape’s arctic crisp.  It’s a design thing, the jacket that I covet has not been particularly tailored to either my style, or budget.  But I know it’s in my future and I persevere for the joy set before me. 

Ok, there’s more but I’m out of time.  The end paragraph is curt and to the point.  

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