Thursday, December 13, 2012

Controversy, as such

Last night I won an award, a very prestigious award voted for by at least three people in my church (who also happened to be the originators of said award) for The Most Controversial Blogger of the Year (I think this pertains to members of our congregation, not the worldwide web, per se).  The nominees were a list of three of the other four people in our church that have blogs.  As it happens, ironically, the only paid writer in our church, who is the fourth blogger with a very good blog actually, never received a mention.  (Ouch.)  But that’s just the way life is.  See, my blog is so controversial and the cookie crumbled very agreeably in these reputable, non-disputed proceedings which aren't fixed at all. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

friday rambling

At some point during the week I had something to say and I remember thinking that I'll say it on Friday and call it, "I have something to say" and now it is Friday and I cannot remember what I have to say.  It would've been very helpful to society at large as usual, but I'm pretty sure there's more where that came from.  Sometimes I think there must be a wealth of information and just knowledge and wisdom emanating from within me.  Probably most of this happens while I'm asleep.  And then there's google for when I'm not sleeping.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Many interesting thoughts entered my mind this week, none of which I can remember, but all of them blogworthy.  I just thought I should tell you that.  

Ok fine, let me see if I can remember anything...

(I do enjoy our conversations.)

Oh yes.  I think I'm numbing out completely these days.  In the last two weeks or so I absentmindedly donated some of my clothing to society at large by, in the first instance, leaving my brand new top on the pavement during my lunch hour and then, after much reflection as to how I could've let this happen even though I had immediately broken soul-ties in order to move on with The Rest of My Life Without That Perfect Colour, proceeding to leave my beloved 7-year old scarf as a surprise for the next random person in line to watch that hysterically awkward movie should they happen to sit in row G3.

These two incidents had one thing in common.  The weather.  You know when it's neither hot nor cold and you are contemplating taking with that one extra item that will save you from a slight chill, opting for not, but you spend at least 25 seconds of your thought-life going through numerous notes-to-self of when you were too cold at the movie-house or when all of a sudden it started raining during lunch, even though you're sure you won't be cold and you end up totally not being cold and then during the process of dragging along this unwanted item, you forget that you once paid good money for it.  Money for which you had to work.  A job that is kind of boring.  

Ah the world is a cruel place.  But I'm over it.  I have less clothes and coordinating outfits is more challenging than ever but definitely the numbness is a blessing.

In other news, my desire to have a dog is intensifying.  I'm worried that I'll never love my children as much as I love dogs.  Even other people's dogs.  I agree, it is a disturbing thought.  I'm hoping that the kids will win, but flip, those fluffy ever-happy face-licking things are cute.  Evidential situation that reminded me of this was when surrounded with 5 babies  the other day,  I noticed me making baby noises to the dachshund.  (Sometimes you can look at yourself doing things and have thoughts about it quite separate from your person and its inclinations.)  Will continue to keep this issue on my prayer list.  

I just realised that the above may be ever so much more intensely disturbing if you don't know me and couldn't know that I don't have kids at the time of the writing of these here sentiments.  I guess it's more about the dogs and that I want one of those.  

Ok.  The ending is a comic.

Friday, November 9, 2012

i write a lie

The lie that I wrote is that I didn't lie.  I wrote the truth in that I wrote a lie because in writing that I am lying I wrote the truth, which is that I'm lying.  I didn't write a lie and that is the lie that I wrote, that I'm lying when I'm not.  So I wrote the truth when I wrote I write a lie and the lie that I wrote is that I didn't write a lie which then makes it true that I wrote a lie because I lied when I wrote that I wrote a lie.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I surprise myself by the happiness I feel every time I use a good product.  Some products are just fantastic.  They really work and they make life a joy.  It changes my personality.  Yes, I am one of those people.  You know, those people who should buy stuff.  Quality stuff.  I think that is the key – it has to be quality.  It really needs to add value to life, know what I mean?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Some surprises are good.  Like when all the lights are green on your way to work, or when a call to Telkom ran smoothly, or, on the topic of today, when you watch a movie that you’ve seen before but it’s a lot better the second time around.

Movie in question, You’ve got Mail.  Ok, don’t stop reading, just give me a second to explain…  

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Not-sure-of-title-yet’s sequel

Well all you need to know is that the first of the series was definitely not worth posting.  So here is part 2, generally aiming to be intelligent and funny and add value to the reader’s life and to the all-round wellbeing of society at large. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Reflections on life and death and choices (bit of a heavy)

Life is a bit of a sigh right now.  Two people I know have committed suicide.  I didn’t know either of them well, merely only met them;  had lunch with the one and the other came to minister at our church.  These are two entirely different events.  There is no connection between these two people.  Both of them woman.  One Christian, one not.  Their deaths unsettled me.

Friday, June 24, 2011

i got skills

It’s true that I have some skills.  Some more obscure than others, but skills nonetheless.  And sometimes I think about my skills, and my skills become obvious, it jumps out at me.  And then I think I should blog about my skills.